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789 East Poplar Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401
Dream, Believe, Succeed.We help prepare adults from diverse
backgrounds and education needs
for success in college, career, and
community engagement.
Advance Your CareerDevelop the skills and knowledge
needed to advance your career
in high demand industries.
Reach Your GoalsMeet your education goals by
earning your High School Diploma
or GED with self-paced classes.
Promote Healthy AgingJoin a community of lifelong learners
focused on physical fitness, brain
health, creativity, and new connections!
Get Career Ready
Earn your
Get Your High School Diploma
Be an Active Adult
Grow your skills


Our programs offer opportunities for any phase of your life.
Set and achieve your college, career, and community goals.
Enrich your life by socializing with peers, learning new skills, and actively participating in your community.
Take Employment Development Department (EDD) approved courses with industry expert instructors.
Learn at your own pace with individualized training and flexible hours.

San Mateo has helped me decide what I want to do. Pursuing the Pharmacy Technician course has helped be choose the right path for my future.


Please read our announcements here for school updates and new programs.

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Teaching positions are now available! Please click the button below to review current job postings.

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