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789 East Poplar Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401

Student Council

Experience democracy in action by joining our Student Council, where your voice matters. As a member of the Student Council, you'll collaborate with peers to address student concerns, plan engaging events, and enact positive change within our school community. Elevate your leadership potential and leave a lasting legacy as a representative of your fellow students.

Student Council BadgeOverview

  • Morning and Evening Students representing the student council
  • Officers are elected at the beginning of the school year for a one-year term.
  • Student Councils meet once a month.
  • ESL and GED classes send two Class Representatives
  • Officers and Class Reps discuss, plan, vote, and decide on actions to benefit our school community
  • Minutes are taken at the meeting and shared with staff and classes
  • Class Reps report back to their teachers and classmates
  • Student Council Advisors: Marina Kravtsova
  • Contact Student Council at

Student Council Officers 2024-25

Student Council (SC) Cabinets contain the elected SC President, Vice-President, and Secretary. All SC officers are actively involved in the SC officers and both Cabinets work in collaboration during the service year. In addition to the monthly meeting with class representatives and SC advisors, SC officers constantly meet with the school administrators and represent students’ voices at the meetings with local and state leaders, politicians, and legislators.

Marcos Lorencani

Olena Babych
Vice President

Elizabeth Walsh

Sandra Luna Aragon
Vice President

Leaders and Representatives organize and participate in:

  • School events including holidays, International Day and Night
  • Special activities such as Winter and Spring Fests
  • Community work, such Second Harvest Food Drive, Community Clean-ups, Fundraisers for Communities in Need
  • Advocacy for Adult Education with elected officials, community advisory council, the press
  • Workshops at conferences on the local, state, and national level

Student Council Funds

Primary funding source is sales of Student IDs

Student Council funds are kept in a bank

Student Council votes on expenditures including: holiday events, transportation for field trips, legacy gifts for the school like outdoor furniture, microwaves, laptops, classroom libraries, and more.

T-Shirts Sales

Meetings, Events, Student Id and T-Shirt Sales

Meetings in Room 25

  • TBD

Upcoming Meetings

  • TBD

T-Shirts with School Logo

  • Sales benefit Student Council
  • Thursdays at Morning and Evening Break times


  • TBD

Past Accomplishments

2018-19 Accomplishments
Fundraiser for Paradise (Camp) Fire
2018 Winter Fest and Fundraiser
CCAE Bay Section 2019 Conference Presentation
Adult Ed Week 2019 Advocacy
Legacy gift: Tables with shade umbrellas
2017-18 Accomplishments
Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Earth Day celebrations
Second Harvest Fall Food Drive – Bronze Award
Fundraisers for Hurricanes in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
National Commission On Adult Basic Education Conference 2018
Adult Ed Week 2018 Advocacy and Events
Cambridge Center for Adult Education Rally for Adult Education
Articles published in the Easy English Times and Cambridge Center for Adult Education e-Communicator and website
Purchase of Laptops for ESL classrooms
Cambridge Center for Adult Education State Conference 2018
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